AJE Consulting Technology Specialists
Tel: 056 0364 1958
Global Specialists And
Technology Consultants
IT Software Experts and Data Specialists
Data Management, Query and Reporting
Data Analysis, Data Mining, Processing, ETL
Financial Software and Suitability Reporting

Data Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Web Scraping / Data Extraction and Harvesting

Data Analysis, Migration and Consolidation

Business and Data Intelligence Software
Software Components and Development Tools

Software Piracy

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Licensed user duplication for unlicensed users
When someone copies software without buying the appropriate number of licenses, it is copyright infringement. Each of these activities is a form of software piracy:
  • An individual copying software for a friend
  • A business underreporting the number of computers using the software
Illegal Internet distribution

Be cautious when ordering software over the Internet. Many resellers with Internet storefronts or those who sell from auction sites knowingly distribute copies of software illegally. Estimates reveal that as much as 90% of software sold over Internet auction sites is either bootlegged or gray market. So, if the pricing seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Some Web sites promise prospects free software downloads. These sites are distributing software illegally. There is also no guarantee that the software is secure or will work properly when installed.

To buy knowing that you'll receive the protection and full functionality of legal software, we recommend that you purchase from us or from an Authorized Reseller.

Distribution of inauthentic Software

Be cautious when ordering software over the Internet. Many resellers with Internet storefronts or those who sell from auction sites knowingly distribute copies of software illegally. According to the Software & Information Industry Association, estimates reveal that as much as 90% of software sold over Internet auction sites is bootlegged or gray market. So, if the pricing seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Report it
The best way to prevent software piracy is to report it. To ensure fast communication regarding suspected software piracy please use Contact Us if you need to report an organization you believe to be involved in software piracy.
Educate others

Those who believe they're saving money by pirating software couldn't be more mistaken. Legal and financial penalties, higher administrative costs, and lowered productivity make piracy very expensive.

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